First EMPO Congress 

'Working evidence-informed on 'other' basic skills'

Tuesday 11 June, 12:30 - 18:00

Atrium, MF-building, VU Amsterdam

Sign up via thins link.

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The EMPO conference is intended for teachers, intelligent, school leaders, teachers and students. This year we will discuss 'other basic skills' and the role of EMPO students at the school. Prof. Felienne Hermans (VU) will speak about digital literacy in education. School director Renata Voss (BOOR) wil discuss the added value of EMPO students at the school. Prof. Sabine Severiens (EUR) will give a keynote on cultural literacy. The second-year EMPO students will present their thesis research during a poster session. We will end the day with a panel discussion.


The programme with more detailed information about the event can be found here (in Dutch).

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EMPO Congress

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