Wanted: members for Learn’s research seminar committee!

We are still looking for 1-2 enthusiastic members to form Learn’s research seminar committee. Learn! monthly hosts a speaker from any of the education or related research fields, to provide a talk of interest to the broad Learn! community. To guarantee that the research seminars are of interest to many Learn! members, we would like to install a committee in which multiple research programs and levels of seniority are represented. Your joint tasks would be:


  • Select and invite speakers: ask Learn! members for speaker suggestions and suggest speakers yourself, make a selection for the calendar year (that balances topics, themes and speaker gender) and invite speakers;
  • Communicate the seminars via multiple channels to aim for high attendance;
  • Write a brief review/blog about the seminar for the Learn’s newsletter and/or website (optional).


Benefits for seminar committee members are: gaining experience with organisational tasks and valorisation, building and/or strengthening your network within and beyond Learn!, broadening your own knowledge of diverse topics. If you are interested, please send an email with brief motivation to Nienke van Atteveldt (n.m.van.atteveldt@vu.nl) by December 8th. Any Learn! member can apply.

Research Seminar Committee

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