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Please continue reading to find out about the news from the Learning Sciences and Lifelong Learning programs. 



  • Rashmi Kusurkar appointed as NVMO chair
  • Rashmi Kusurkar contributes to a SDT handbook
  • Jan Willem Grijpma with a ‘top downloaded’ article in Medical Education 
  • Dissertation defences of Debby ten Hove and Irene Eegdeman (Learning Sciences)

NEWS FROM THE Lifelong Learning Program:


New chairwoman of the NVMO: Prof. Dr. Rashmi Kusurkar

In November 2023, Prof. Dr. Rashmi Kusurkar will take over the chairmanship of the NVMO (the Netherlands Association for Medical Education). The NVMO unites all medical professionals involved in education and training in healthcare. The main pillars of the association are: the annual NVMO Congress, activities of the various working groups, the journal Perspectives on Medical Education, the PhD Network and Young Researchers Network, and ethical review of educational research in health care.


Rashmi Kusurkar contributed to a Self-Determination Theory handbook

The Oxford Handbook of Self-Determination Theory by Richard M. Ryan (Oxford University Press) traces the theory's historical and scientific foundations and synthesises the latest research and insights on human motivation. It covers topics from the social and biological underpinnings of motivation and wellness to practical applications in all aspects of life. The book concludes with a discussion of how scholars can study and contribute to knowledge patterns as the world evolves. You can read Kusurkar’s contribution in Chapter 32, which is titled Self-Determination Theory in Health Professions Education Research and Practice.


source: Oxford University Press

Jan Willem Grijpma has a ‘top downloaded’ article in Medical Education, titled 'Medical student engagement in small-group active learning: a stimulated recall study'



Background: Active learning relies on students' engagement with teachers, study materials and/or each other. Although medical education has adopted active learning as a core component of medical training, teachers have difficulties recognising when and why their students engage or disengage and how to teach in ways that optimise engagement. With a better understanding of the dynamics of student engagement in small-group active learning settings, teachers could be facilitated in effectively engaging their students.


You can read the article here.



NEWS FROM THE Learning Sciences 



  • Debby ten Hove defended her dissertation, called “Interrater reliability for incomplete and dependent data”, on April the 26th.


  • Irene Eegdeman will defend her dissertation, called “Enhancing Study Success in Dutch Vocational Education" on June the 2nd


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