
Two KNAW van der Gaag grants for Anne de Bruijn & Femke van der Wilt

The KNAW Academy Fund for Behavioral Research has awarded an Academy Van der Gaag Grant to Anne de Bruijn and Femke van der Wilt, both working at the department of Educational Sciences. The grant is intended to cover a research project abroad or a working visit to a foreign institution.

Anne de Bruijn - Moving friendships: Social relations and networks in the context of physical education

 Anne de Bruijn will visit the department Sportdidaktik und -Pädagogik, University of Paderborn (Germany) in winter 2022. Together with prof. dr. Elke Grimminger-Seidensticker, expert on the topic of social processes in physical education, she will examine children’s social status in physical education, and whether this is predictive of children’s motivation and effort during physical education lessons.



Femke van der Wilt - Peer rejection in early childhood classrooms: The role of the teacher

 Femke van der Wilt will visit the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences at the KU Leuven in fall 2022, where she will collaborate with prof. dr. Hilde Colpin, expert on the topic of teacher-student relations. Together they will do research on the effect of teacher-student relations on the relation between young children’s language skills and the degree to which they are rejected by peers.




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