Linda Messemaker-Veerman

Hi everyone!

My name is Linda Messemaker-Veerman and I am a first year PhD-student (started in May, 2021) in Clinical Child & Family Studies, at the Academic Collaborative Centre Bartiméus-VU. My research project is about siblings of children with visual impairment and/or intellectual disabilities. We are currently developing a serious game called ‘Broodles’ for siblings aged 6-9 years. In March/April this year we will start with the data collection of our RCT-study about the effectiveness of the serious game. More information (in Dutch) can be found on: www.brussengame.nl

As from this year I will be representing the PhD’s of POW together with Jana Runze. We will be organizing PhD-lunches and other gatherings for PhD’s. You will soon hear more about that!

Something more about me: I live in Katwijk aan Zee with my husband. It’s only a 10-minute walk to the beach from our home, which is lovely! I studied Pedagogical Sciences at the VU from 2012 to 2016. After that I first worked in a care organization for people with intellectual disability (Prinsenstichting) and then in a residential care organization for people with epilepsy (SEIN) as a behavioral scientist.

In my spare time I love to walk on the beach and in the dunes, and eat together with friends or family. I also love to take yoga, dancing and singing classes. Finally, I enjoy doing voluntary work: I am a buddy of a woman with physical disabilities, help at a care farm, and am a counselor at ‘Heppie’ child summer camps.

Hope to meet you in person soon!


PhD Intro2

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